come it strong

come it strong
(come (или go) it strong)
1) сильно преувеличивать, говорить неправдоподобные вещи; ≈ хватить через край (тж. pitch it Strong)

Keep on sending telegrams. Leave nothing to chance. Send a dozen and pitch it strong. Say that Blandings Castle is ravaged with disease. (P. G. Wodehouse, ‘Summer Lightning’, ch. 6) — Посылай мисс Шунмейкер телеграмму за телеграммой. Не надейся на случай. Пошли дюжину телеграмм и не бойся преувеличить. Сообщи ей, что в Бландингс-Касл свирепствуют болезни.

2) действовать решительно, быть напористым

‘I say,’ said the man, ‘You're coming it strong!’ ‘You give the message,’ said the girl firmly, ‘and let me hear the an swer.’ (Ch. Dickens, ‘Oliver Twist’, ch. XXXIX) — - Ну, знаете ли, - сказал слуга, - вы что-то уж очень напористы. - Передайте то, что я прошу, и принесите мне ответ, - решительно сказала девушка.

Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь. - М.: «Русский язык-Медиа».. 2006.

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Смотреть что такое "come it strong" в других словарях:

  • come on strong — (informal) To speak or act forcefully or aggressively • • • Main Entry: ↑come come on strong see under ↑come • • • Main Entry: ↑strong * * * come on strong informal …   Useful english dictionary

  • come on strong — {v. phr.}, {slang} To overwhelm a weaker person with excessively strong language, personality, or mannerisms; to insist extremely strongly and claim something with unusual vigor. * /Joe came on very strong last night about the War in Indochina;… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • come on strong — {v. phr.}, {slang} To overwhelm a weaker person with excessively strong language, personality, or mannerisms; to insist extremely strongly and claim something with unusual vigor. * /Joe came on very strong last night about the War in Indochina;… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • come on strong — ► come on strong informal behave aggressively or assertively. Main Entry: ↑strong …   English terms dictionary

  • come on strong — 1. to act in a forceful way. I didn t want to come on too strong, so I tried not to seem angry. The opposition came on strong with rallies and protests and an e mail campaign. 2. to be popular. Animal movies have come on strong again …   New idioms dictionary

  • come on strong — AND come on like gangbusters in. to seem aggressive; to impress people initially as very aggressive and assertive. (See explanation at like gangbusters.) □ She has a tendency to come on strong, but she’s really a softie. □ The new president comes …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • come it strong — phrasal slang : overdo, exaggerate contrasted with draw it mild * * * come it strong (informal) To do or say much, go to great lengths, exaggerate • • • Main Entry: ↑come …   Useful english dictionary

  • come on strong — do it with more energy, do it with enthusiasm    If you come on too strong, the customer will not buy from you …   English idioms

  • come on strong — informal to express yourself in a very determined and confident way He can come on very strong with his political views …   English dictionary

  • come\ on\ strong — v. phr. slang To overwhelm a weaker person with excessively strong language, personality, or mannerisms; to insist extremely strongly and claim something with unusual vigor. Joe came on very strong last night about the War in Indochina; most of… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • come on strong — overwhelm with excessively strong language or personality He came on too strong during the job interview and was unable to get the job …   Idioms and examples

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